Thursday, December 2, 2010

Culturele Woensdag - Our Films

1 December
HKU, Grift Park and my room

So our task today was to make our short film.  I can tell you that nobody had really looking forward to this task - most of us had never made a film before, let alone in 3 or 4 hours!  And we hadn't had the time to work on it throughout the week because of all our major projects.  But anyway, not much to do about it!

So we split into groups and discussed our options and opinions.  What did we want to show about sustainability?  How on earth were we going to achieve it?

I'd been thinking about 'Embodied Energy'.  I'm not sure about the dutch terminology, but it literally translates as 'opgenomen energie'.  Embodied energy is the amount of commercial energy (fossil fuels, nuclear etc) that was used in the work to make any product, bring it to market and dispose of it.  Another similar issue is 'Embodied Water', the amount of water used to make any product, bring it to market and dispose of it.

I don't think many people are aware of these issues - it's not something stated on a product label.  But I believe its an important issue to be aware of, everything we consume/use has embodied qualities.

One of the best ways to reduce the embodied energy of products, is to buy locally produced products.  Not only does this support the local community, but greatly reduces the amount of energy used in long distance transportation.

Anyway, our little film tries to illustrate the concept of 'Embodied Energy'.  Enjoy.

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